Saturday, February 11, 2012

going long sleeved.

Winter has finally hit Missouri. The last few mornings it has been zero or below instead of like 40 degrees. This threw a bit of a wrench into my wardrobe. I am a huge cardigan junkie and needed a new way to wear my cardigans instead of just with a tank top so I decided to layer long-sleeve shirts under them. Great idea! Adds an extra layer of warmth to your arms and if you push up the sleeves so you can still see long sleeve shirt it looks like your cardigan has cuffs. It was definitely a great idea. Stay classy, fabulous, and warm!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

its been a bit!

Hello all that follow this blog! And even if you just started here is the skinny on the low down. I have been working in University Relations like a mad woman! My boss definitely keeps me busy, I have been writing a TON of articles for the Northwest homepage. Check it out at: Do it now! Thanks! You as my faithful followers should check out some of the things I have been writing and give me any critiques you think apply. I will post some links below! As you are all aware Valentine's Day is about to swoop in and spread some love on our lives. I will be spending the loving holiday, alone, but that is alright! Ice cream, pizza, romantic movies, and duct tape roses will be on my agenda! Duct tape roses you ask? Well I am on a homemade gift kick and this is just another great idea I had! Why are they so great? They never die, no prickly thorns, no sticky water, and etc! I plan on making all of the women in my life b-e-a-utiful hand-made roses! So check back in about a week and I will post pictures of the duct tape roses! Stay fabulous and classy, I know i am!

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