Saturday, May 12, 2012

Back for the summer!

Sorry for the long absence! I have been so incredibly busy between work, school, and packing up and heading home for the summer. Well here I am on summer break and frankly it sucks! I miss all of my friends from college and i miss my boyfriend, Ryan, like crazy! Well as I promised I am going to upload the pictures of the duct tape roses I made. OH! and one weekend I did these awesome Lady Gage/ Ke$a nails so I'll post a picture of that too! Also I am back to being a blonde and now am obsessed with pictures of clouds and sunsets and I am trying to get in better shape. Oh! and I got a new tattoo! It was really exciting and kind of painful. Next I want to pierce my belly button. As this summer begins I would like to share my "This Summer I Vow To:" list.
1. Feel comfortable in short shorts and bikinis.
2. Meet tons of new people.
3. Go skinny dipping. :)
4. Have less Facebook, and more outdoors.
5. Be happy no matter what.
6. Catch fireflies in jars.
7. Camp out.
8. Go on spontaneous adventures.
9. Work out at least three times a week.
10. Get a job.
11. Go to a summer concert.
12. Go to a water park.
13. Read at least ten books.
14. Try a new restaurant or cafe.
15. Go on a bike ride.
16. Go on a shopping spree.
17. See Ryan at least four times.
18. Go fishing.
19. Get really tan.
20. Go star gazing all night.
21. Have a picnic.
22. Have a bonfire.
23. Sneak out.
24. Go on a road trip.
25. Go to the zoo.
 Well I hope that any one that is reading this has a marvelous summer and I hope to keep you more up to date with the things I am doing, DIYing, and such! Stay classy & tan.