Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Westboro Baptist Church Gets A Taste Of Their Own Medicine

This article posted up on my Facebook news feed, "Nonprofit buys house across from Westboro Baptist Church and paints it colors of gay pride flag." How could you not stop and click on the link and read the article? Especially being from the Midwest, this article hits close to home. Topeka, where the Westboro Baptist Church is located not far from my hometown and where I attend college. When the Missouri River was flooded I often drove past the road sign pointing the way to the church, some of their pickets and a few of their other and larger signs. The fact that this Nonprofit organization is taking a stand in a very non violent and humorous way gives the rest of the Midwest and country a bit of hope that even though some of us may be to scared or unable to do it alone, there are people willing to take a stand.

 Personally I believe that the Westboro Baptist Church gives not only a bad name to the Midwest but a bad reputation to the United States. Yes, I am a liberal but we are the country of the FREE not the country of hateful religions. We have the freedom to and from religion so how is it that we let one religion define our country? America is a country of Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Jews, and even blonde hair, blue eyed Buddhist. I do not understand why religions fight when they all teach the same basic principals, do not kill and love everyone. In my family, my mother is Catholic, my father is an Atheist, my little brother is a Christian, one of my little sisters is undecided on the whole topic, the other last I knew was an Evolutionist and I am a Buddhist. How is it that my family of six people can coexist and love each other unconditionally despite conflicting decisions and a world of strangers can not live side by side peacefully?

To Read the rest of the article about the rainbow article go to:

Stay classy. Stay coexisting.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Dropping off the face of the Earth...that's me

Sorry I have been gone forever. But guess what if Ryan and I move into this apartment with a friend, we will have internet! Yay, more blogging! Also this kid right here may be, possibly, pretty darn sure is getting a hedgehog! And I shall name him Mr. Sebastian Biscuits. Sebastian the hedgehog is in "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" and as for the Biscuits part I have no idea. Maybe I am carving baked goods, since I hardly eat them since no gluten for me and our oven is broken. But I am going to post some links below for any of those of you out there wanting a hedgie. They were super helpful for me. And if I do get a hedgehog, I can see this blog quickly becoming "The Fantastic Adventures of Mr. Sebastian Biscuits: The Greatest Hedgehog." LOL. I know I never posted that recipe but it will happen I promise, I just miss placed it. ok...ok...I lost it. shame. Any who, without further ado hedgie links and pictures!

* Hedgehog Central

*Quality Quills Youtube and site


I just found these so darn cute! Well enjoy your wonderful day! Stay classy and hedgie.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

a year of years.

I have been away for awhile because we FINALLY got all moved into our new apartment, but the down side is no internet so I have been unable to post anything which is sad. My Christmas was really good, my parents bought Ryan and I a lot of things for our apartment, which was incredibly wonderful of them. Also as my title so clearly says this was "a year of years," Ryan and I will be celebrating our one year anniversary soon, and I have had this blog for a little over a year. As I said in my earlier post I am Gfree and for Christmas I made a delicious dark chocolate and black bean cake, I will put the recipe in my next post. Also for Christmas my parents bought me a Hamsa bracelet. Being home with my family has kind of led me to be a slacker when it comes to meditation. Well there you have it that has been what is up with me and where I have been. Happy Holidays!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Big Life Changes!

Hello all!

Recently I have been going through some major life changes, to sum it all up:
1. Moving off campus in less than 2 weeks.
2. Becoming a Buddhist.
3. And I possibly have a Gluten allergy.
So there it is, my life is changing very quickly. The hardest of all these is becoming gluten-free because I love bread, pasta, cake, and I am a poor college student. Gluten-free food is not cheap by any means. For example, I went to Hy-vee and bought a $6.00 loaf of bread! $6.00!!!!!!!!!! Can you believe that? So on my blog I will be putting college budget friendly gluten-free options. My first recipe will be for super yummy Hawaiin Salsa. 
3 Roma tomatoes (seeded and chopped)
1 cup seeded, chopped cucumber (optional) 
1 cup fresh pineapple (chopped)
1/3 cup chopped onion
1 or 2 fresh jalapeno peppers (seeded and chopped)
2 tablespoons snipped fresh cilantro
1 tablespoon packed sugar
Combine all ingredients. Cover and refrigerate for up to 2 hours. Eat with Tostinos, which are gluten-free. 
Stay classy and eat some yummy G-free noms. 

Monday, November 19, 2012

Potter Nerd!

I love Harry Potter and I live in a Residence Hall (aka. a dorm) so I made my residence hall the Great Hall...well kind of. I made house banners for each of my roommates, which worked out beautifully since there are four of us and four houses. Then I decided to make some awesome and well known books from the series. I was going to make our door into a 2D version of the Great Hall but a kink was thrown into this plan because I will be moving out of this Residence Hall and into an apartment with my boyfriend and one of his friends. I didn't do all the work because I won't get to enjoy it so here are all the pictures, enjoy. Stay classy and Potter on.