Tuesday, December 25, 2012

a year of years.

I have been away for awhile because we FINALLY got all moved into our new apartment, but the down side is no internet so I have been unable to post anything which is sad. My Christmas was really good, my parents bought Ryan and I a lot of things for our apartment, which was incredibly wonderful of them. Also as my title so clearly says this was "a year of years," Ryan and I will be celebrating our one year anniversary soon, and I have had this blog for a little over a year. As I said in my earlier post I am Gfree and for Christmas I made a delicious dark chocolate and black bean cake, I will put the recipe in my next post. Also for Christmas my parents bought me a Hamsa bracelet. Being home with my family has kind of led me to be a slacker when it comes to meditation. Well there you have it that has been what is up with me and where I have been. Happy Holidays!

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