Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Well hello...I'm back

well hello...

I have been away for far too long and i apologize. Between working all summer and trying to make a long distance relationship with my boyfriend, Ryan, who lives in the Kansas City metro, function correctly I have not really had time to do my blog. AND I can honestly say I missed it A LOT! Well what is new in my life you may ask, here is a list.

1. Ryan and I made it through the summer wonderfully. It was really rough but here we are back in college for our second year and have an even stronger bond than before.

2. I added International Studies as my minor and have decided that I want to travel the world and work at National Geographic.

3. I joined a group on campus called "English Corner". It is a group of English speaking college students that team up with English as a Second Language (ESL) students to help them learn English. It has been extremely beneficial to me and culturally and personally enriching. I love those kids so much and they have taught me so much.

4. I have FINALLY learned how to use Twitter and have continued to use it correctly # , @, and all. So you can follow me @cyncreek.

5. The getting healthy thing kind of hit a dead end and I need to start it up again cause well I am just not happy with my body and I know that every one is beautiful and beauty is only skin deep. But my thought process is that if I feel good and look good inside and out then I will feel beautiful. I think that makes sense and well to me it does.

6. I pierced my belly button and I am thinking about doing my nose next. But Ryan likes the little studs and I like the look of the rings. So we will see how that goes.

7. I got a job at Sonic! WOOT WOOT! I start tomorra, I will have to let you all know how that goes. :)

8. I have been reading A LOT! And when I say a lot I mean I have been flying through books and just cannot seem to get enough of them. The only down side to this is that my Kindle broke and the select key will not select, so my electronic library is void to me at the moment. But currently I am reading "Seriously... I'm Kidding" by Ellen DeGeneres. I highly recommend it, not only for a good laugh, cause she is hiiilllarrrious!, but because she has a lot of good advice.

9. I live with three other girls this year and I love two of them and not so much the third. My roommate, Shelby is hilariously honest and kind of the funniest-bitch-you-will-ever-meet kind of girl and she and I are barely in our dorm cause we both have boyfriends. Which gives us something to bond over.  Erin is very, how do I put this, Erin is freggen comical and kind of more reserved than Shelby or I, but once she gets going she is a real comedian and super down to earth and easy to talk with.  And finally the one who does not sit quite right with me. Emily, she is over the top religious about certain things and she is two faced and plays the whole "oh! I am so sweet and innocent and the perfect Christian blah blah blah" and I just do not buy it!  I, for example, am not all the religious of a person and I do believe in aliens and maybe for all we know God, Buddha, Zeus, and the Hindu gods are just having a tea party up there. I don't know and I am perfectly fine with saying that I am not sure what I believe. Also I do not care what religion you are or if you believe that one day we will all turn to mermaids and worship a giant dolphin, I don't care, just treat me and my ideas with respect and I will treat you the same. But she told me NOT to say any of my anti Jesus, atheist stuff, which for the record I made one comment about how the dinosaurs died but she expects me to put up with all her out loud praying and other religious things she does after she pretty much told me I did not have a freedom of religion because I do not believe in God.... BAAAHHHHH!  Any way back to my examples, for example tonight she made a joke about Asgard and Loki and Thor needing to guard their backsides ( you can draw the joke from that I think) also she tries to be all offended by violent things on T.V but comes into the room tonight after playing this game called Humans versus Zombies and says and I quote " I like violence" as she is covered in fake blood. Sorry for the rant, moving on......

10. I should be studying for my Government and Politics class but I am writing on here. It is amazing all the things you can come up with to do instead of studying. Like cleaning, dying your hair, writing a blog entry, watching your boyfriend play Skyrim, decorate for Halloween, eat Taco Doritos and bean dip, and etc etc. You get the point.

Well there you go, you are all caught up with my life. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns leave them in the box below.  Stay classy and try to stay young, growing up sucks. And I will leave you with this final quote.

"You're entirely bonkers, but I'll tell you a secret...all the best people are" - Alice in Wonderland

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