Thursday, October 25, 2012

An Idea!

So I am a huge fan of Pinterest and I came across an idea for bloggers to incorporate into their blogs daily or weekly, or monthly, or decadely. You make a list of what you are enjoying, listening to, eating, and etc to kind of give your followers ( which I have 1, super sad face) an idea of how you live your everyday life and get me into the habit of writing more often and such. so here we go.

1. Listening: to Erin and I type on our laptops to each other on Facebook. Yes we are those people who prefer to talk back and forth on Facebook as not to offend someone who may walk by or in this case we are talking about the "other" roommate.
2. Eating: I ate a bacon flat bread sandwich and potato soup and it was delicious, thanks for asking.
3. Drinking: Right now I am obsessed with mango smoothies. The just make me feel tropical.
4. Wearing: Uhm this is an odd question... I am wearing black leggings, a white t-shirt, a blue sweater and knock of black glittery Sperrys, which I love greatly.
5. Feeling:  a little anxious and nervous about my first shift at Sonic tonight and a little annoyed with the entire day but things are looking up cause I get to go back to the imaginary state of Nebraska to see la familia.
6. Weather: Mother nature is bi polar or PMSing or something cause yesterday was like 80 degrees then today it just dropped off to like 40 degrees. I just want it to stay at this lovely fall weather so I can wear boots, sweaters, and jeans.
7. Wanting: all this Presidential campaign bullshit to be over with. Personally I am an Obama fan but that is just me and if you want to be a Romney fan that is cool too. We are individuals with our own ideas and wants and goals. But I am ready for it to be over so I can watch Glee on cable again. Also its clogging up my email.
8. Needing: I am needing a giant cup of hot coco/ french vanilla cappuccino, a blanket, and a good movie like Pride and Prejudice starring Keira Knightly
9. Thinking: about fun goody bag ideas to get the English Corner kids for Halloween.
10. Enjoying: the fact that I am laying across this chair and not sitting in it because I am about a million times more comfortable this way.

So there it is. I guess I will try to do this weekly just to keep myself and you all up to date on all the important things in life. Stay classy and enjoy the mixed hot chocolate drink.

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