Thursday, November 1, 2012

Staying chill

Well here we are again ladies and gentleman...
HAPPY BELATED HALLOWEEN!!! I hope you had a great night whether you were just handing out candy or dressed up and partied.  Halloween is my favorite holiday and even though I did not dress up I did have a lot of fun hanging out with my friends in English Corner. We decorated pumpkins and played games. The funniest moment was when we were playing Apples to Apples and the adjective/green card was "sexy" and one of the Japanese girls laid down the noun/red card "Girl Scouts". All the American students could not stop laughing and we had to explain to them that Girl Scouts are little girls who sell cookies. Needless to say they did not see the humor in it that we did but it was definitely a learning experience in the differences in humor across cultures. Then I went to the Steve-O performance and it was hilarious! I mean to die for funny!  Steve-O obviously has one of the funniest and most disgusting job ever. And on the note of jobs...

Have you ever had a job that your absolutely dread going to and it just seems to drag by no matter how busy you are? Well that is how I feel when I am at Sonic, even though I get home kind of early every shift it still seems like I have been there the hole day. And I think that is because I am so used to everything going so fast. For example; it takes seconds to have a conversation with some one on Facebook, Twitter, or text message, we go to fast food places and get our food in minutes, and pretty much everything is live and at our finger tips. Maybe I just need to SLOW WAY DOWN and just let my life come to a chill speed. Get up in the morning, make a cup of coffee sit down and watch the news and actually start to take in what is going on in the world. Speaking of coffee, it may just be me, but I love the way milk or creamer splashes into coffee it just looks so soft and airy. Anyway I think I need to start my days off a little earlier and just let my self slow down and not be in a super hurry. I think we should all slow down and just take time to enjoy each moment because I know that sometimes I get to going so fast I forget when I did something and the days blur together.

On another note, not many people read this blog or even know it exists but apparently my boyfriend didn't even know I blogged. I find this kind of funny cause we tell each other everything and I am actually texting him about it right now cause he went home this weekend. I love him so much and I keep telling myself that I have to work at Sonic for us, so we can live together in a few months and start a life together. I have to keep the goal in mind to get through the work days. Tomorrow will be really hard because I work a 1 to 7 p.m. shift. But like I said I have to think about where I am trying to get. At least I have Saturday off and I can do homework and just chill.

Well it is time for this blogger to get some shut eye. Stay classy and stay chill.

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