Saturday, November 3, 2012

Body of work.

I love tattoos, the look, the meanings, the inspiration for each and every one of them is unique and interesting.  I have two tattoos of my own a Harry Potter tattoo on my wrist and an Alice in Wonderland tattoo across the front of my ribs. They both have very special meanings and really describe me as a person. If you can't tell by the origins of both of my tattoos I am a complete nerd. A lot of people think my Harry Potter tattoo is really cool or they think I was really dumb for getting it and I will regret it later. But I am going to tell you why I got this tattoo. Not only is Harry Potter a brilliant series but J.K. Rowling and the characters of Harry Potter have taught me so much and here is a list of what they taught me:
1. Real love does exist and it can be painful, beautiful, fleeting, or long lasting. But when you truly love someone you will love them till the end of time.
2. True friendships overcome social status, differences in opinions, time, and the toughest of hardships.  You are better with them than without them and they will always have your back.
3. Confronting fears no matter how silly or how dark, we are all afraid of something and we can defeat those fears if we only remember to turn on the light.
4. Finding inner strength even when you are at your weakest. Because everyone has something to fight for even if it is just for themselves and no one else.
5. Doing what is right in the face of adversity. Even if everyone else is doing it, you should always do the right thing even if that means you are the underdog. Good people do exist among the darkness and pain.
6.There is nothing stronger than a mother's love.
7. Books can change the course of history.
8. Life is unexpected and complicated but creates the best and deepest relationships.
9. To see the world with an open mind. Judge people for who they are not what they are.
10. Magic exists everywhere, even if its only in your head. But why shouldn't that mean its not real.

Well there you go not only did Harry Potter teach me life lessons but it was my escape during Jr. High and High School when I was being bullied. My mom read me the books when I was younger and as I grew up I was able to run away to the magical world of Hogwarts.

My second tattoo says " Never Lose Your Muchness" which is from the Tim Burton Alice in Wonderland. The Mad Hatter (Johnny Depp) says " You used to be much more muchier" and it just stood out to me and really spoke to me. So I chose the line Never Lose Your Muchness, which to me means never lose what makes you who you are, and never lose that spark you have inside you. Those are my first tattoos and I plan on adding more to the canvas of who I am. I am going to upload another tattoo I am thinking about getting that I just designed. Not sure when I will be getting it because I want to move off campus with Ryan and get a puppy! I WUV PUPPIES! But any way it is the Moon goddess dream catcher and my name means moon goddess so it is kind of perfect. Well have a great rest of the weekend. Stay classy and stay inked.

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