Thursday, December 29, 2011

new year's eve fashion!


It is almost the New Year! 2012! Time to make your New Year's resolutions and have a fresh start to the year. But before we get down to business it is time to party. New Year's Eve is only two days away. To me New Year's Eve is all about having a good time celebrating the year of 2011 and glitter. Lots of glitter! To ring in the New Year I opted for a dark blue lace dress from Wet Seal, a silver sparkly belt from Justice, and a pair of super glittery confetti flats from Kohl's. Today, my best friend Lindsey and I shopped all day looking for the perfect outfits. Our biggest problem was finding shoes that matched our dresses and were fun and flirty. Hint: If you have smaller feet like Lindsey and I do you can look in the children's shoe section. That is where I found these super cute shoes. I am a size 7 in women's shoes and a size 5 in the children's shoes.
Another hint: Children's stores like Justice are a great place to find cute and fun belts to go around your waist. I think the belt I chose just adds that little extra to an already pretty dress. Not only is New Year's Eve a night to party it is also my birthday. I cannot wait to spend a wonderful night with my bestie Lindsey. It is going to be great! Happy New Year to everyone! :) stay classy and fabulous...and glittery! 

Sunday, December 25, 2011

happy christmas!

Happy Christmas to all! I know it was a great Christmas for me! I said this blog would be about fashion and boy! did i get fashion today. "Santa" got me so many beautiful clothes. Lots of new jeans and a pair of black jeans. Black jeans are great because they instantly make your legs look thinner and they make any outfit a little more dressy. I also got a lot of cool shirts. I am starting a job on campus as a Media Assistant next semester and all of these fashionable clothes will be great to wear to work.

 My parentals aka "Santa" got me a plethora of stretchy cuff bracelets to cover my tattoo on my wrist during work or anytime i feel like wearing a cute bracelet.  I would like to mention how great my Grandpa Steve is, he is one of the most amazing people I have ever met. He got me a beautiful blue topaz tennis bracelet. It is my birthstone and it is gorgeous. The only thing my grandpa asked from my siblings and I was to give back to the world and the less fortunate. He gives to St. Jude's Children's Hospital every month. I will definitely do something this upcoming year to give back. " In a gentle way you can shake the world" -Gandhi

I also received a digital camera! Which is great because now I can take even better pictures to put on this blog! It has a front screen to it is easier to take pictures of yourself. My old camera had a great life but it was falling apart and my younger sister was more than willing to take it off my hands.  My Grandpa also got me a Chinese calendar for 2012. I am really interested in Asian cultures and contemplating minoring in Mandarin as well as Art.  I am the year of the monkey!

I am a child at heart. Everyone I know is an adult and I am merely in disguise. My parents know that I love anything and everything Hello Kitty. It is kind of ridiculous! This year I got a water bottle, which is great because I am trying to get in better shape and be a more healthy person. My Hello Kitty water bottle will definitely get used when I return to college after break. I am a very avid reader! I love getting lost in a completely different world and being able to use my imagination! I got a new series this year called The Strain series. Opening the cover of a very highly anticipated novel is like falling in love and letting your imagination run wild. Also I got my very own Harry Potter series box set.  I have read the Harry Potter quite a few times and I LOVE IT! It is the inspiration for my tattoo! I love that it represents confronting fears, finding inner strength and doing what is right in the face of adversity. It is about where I have come from and where I am  going as a person. The Harry Potter series helped me lose myself in when I was being bullied in junior high and high school. I want to meet J.K. Rowling and tell her thank you. 

I love clothing that is simple but has an extra little flare. The shirt I am wearing in the picture above is probably my favorite shirt I received this Christmas. It is just a simple gray but the lace added just that little extra to make it a great fashionable top I can mix and match with.  This was a great Christmas. I am so ready for my 19th birthday on New Year's Eve and the New Year to start! I will be posting again soon! Happy Holidays!

Friday, December 23, 2011

glitter play dough :)

It is so magical and fairy like! It is great! What they do not tell you about making glitter play dough is that your arms are going to great work out. Also you will look like mad scientist while trying to mix the dough on your stove. How to make glitter dough:
* 4 cups flour
* 2 cups salt ( i used iodized salt in case young children try to eat it.)
* 4 cups water 
* 8 teaspoons cream of tartar
* 4 tablespoons cooking oil
* Glitter
* Food coloring
 * You mix the flour, salt, water, cream of tartar, and cooking oil into a large pot. Stir until the mixture looks like regular baking dough. Remove from heat and let the dough cool for a few minutes.  Place the dough onto wax paper. From there you can use all of the dough or you can cut it into sections. Then add glitter to the dough. The key to adding the glitter is to knead the dough and not add all of the glitter at once. After the glitter is completely kneaded into the dough add the food coloring. Most sites will tell you to mix the food coloring into the water at the beginning. But I found it much more effective to add the food coloring at the end. This way you can decide how saturated the colors are. Do not put spoonfuls of food coloring into the dough. Use a toothpick to add the color. You will not need much food coloring. Continue to knead in color until completely mixed into the dough. Make sure when you are done with the dough you put it into the refrigerator if you do not plan on playing with it as soon as you are done.  Have fun playing with the glitter dough, I know my little cousins and I will!    

a homemade christmas!


This year I decided to take my addiction to Pinterest and turn it into productivity. All the Christmas presents I made this year were ideas from Pinterest or ideas of my own. I have made 10 homemade presents. Above are pictures of two of the gifts I made. The mixed crayons are for my younger cousins, Autumn and Aryel, they will also get glitter play dough as well as soon as I finish it. How to make mixed crayons:
* 1 package of 24 crayons
* 1 cupcake pan
* Take the paper off the crayons of your choice and break each crayon into thirds. Then put the crayons into desired cupcake slot of the pan, you can mix or match the crayons. Melt them in a cupcake pan at 275 degrees in your oven until crayon wax is mixed to your desire. Let the wax cool then you are ready to use your mixed crayons!

 Also I made bird seed hangers for my Grandpa. He loves birds so I thought he would love these! The bird seed hangers were super easy to make.
* 1/4 cup water
* 1 packet of Knox gelatin
* 3/4 cup of bird seed
*Bring water and gelatin to a boil. When all of the gelatin is dissolved you remove it from the heat for a few minutes then add the bird seed. You then press the bird seed/ gelatin mixture into cookie cutters of your choice. Fill the cookie cutter half way and press a loop of string into the bird seed and then fill the rest of the cookie cutter with bird seed. For the best results leave the bird seed in the cookie cutters over night. Pop them out and they are ready to hang!

My mom was also inspired by Pinterest this year and covered our hanging light in the living room in very festive greens, pine cones, ribbons, and branch lights! Our whole house is very festive this year! It is so great to come home from college and help decorate for Christmas. It was a great way to relieve the stress of finals! I will add more pictures and how to's for the other gifts I did this year! Happy Holidays!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

my latest obsessions!

So here are 3 of my biggest obsessions:
1. PINTEREST! If you are not on this site! Get on it! It is amazing! There are so many cool ideas, funny pictures, and inspiring quotes. I recommend you get "pin" crazy soon!
2. SHARPIE PENS! They right soooo smoothly. They use to just come in black now they come in tons of colors. Sharpie pens are great for color coding your planner or your notes!
3. CHERRY 7UP! It is very light and crisp. Also it tastes just like a Shirley Temple!

new to town

The Adoring Obsession: my life, fashion, latest obsessions, books & being yourself .
I am a small town girl with big city dreams!  
Dreams: Travel the world with my love, Ryan, and work with the people of Asia because their culture fascinates me and become a major icon and role model. 
 Why: I am in love with the atmosphere, energy, and life of the big city,
 I love to write and travel.
Inspiration: The TV series Sex and the City  and movie The Devil Wears Prada inspired me to live in the big city and to become a writer!  
College: Northwest Missouri State University. 
Major: Interactive Digital Media: New Media with a minor is International Studies
:) stay classy and fabulous!