Sunday, December 25, 2011

happy christmas!

Happy Christmas to all! I know it was a great Christmas for me! I said this blog would be about fashion and boy! did i get fashion today. "Santa" got me so many beautiful clothes. Lots of new jeans and a pair of black jeans. Black jeans are great because they instantly make your legs look thinner and they make any outfit a little more dressy. I also got a lot of cool shirts. I am starting a job on campus as a Media Assistant next semester and all of these fashionable clothes will be great to wear to work.

 My parentals aka "Santa" got me a plethora of stretchy cuff bracelets to cover my tattoo on my wrist during work or anytime i feel like wearing a cute bracelet.  I would like to mention how great my Grandpa Steve is, he is one of the most amazing people I have ever met. He got me a beautiful blue topaz tennis bracelet. It is my birthstone and it is gorgeous. The only thing my grandpa asked from my siblings and I was to give back to the world and the less fortunate. He gives to St. Jude's Children's Hospital every month. I will definitely do something this upcoming year to give back. " In a gentle way you can shake the world" -Gandhi

I also received a digital camera! Which is great because now I can take even better pictures to put on this blog! It has a front screen to it is easier to take pictures of yourself. My old camera had a great life but it was falling apart and my younger sister was more than willing to take it off my hands.  My Grandpa also got me a Chinese calendar for 2012. I am really interested in Asian cultures and contemplating minoring in Mandarin as well as Art.  I am the year of the monkey!

I am a child at heart. Everyone I know is an adult and I am merely in disguise. My parents know that I love anything and everything Hello Kitty. It is kind of ridiculous! This year I got a water bottle, which is great because I am trying to get in better shape and be a more healthy person. My Hello Kitty water bottle will definitely get used when I return to college after break. I am a very avid reader! I love getting lost in a completely different world and being able to use my imagination! I got a new series this year called The Strain series. Opening the cover of a very highly anticipated novel is like falling in love and letting your imagination run wild. Also I got my very own Harry Potter series box set.  I have read the Harry Potter quite a few times and I LOVE IT! It is the inspiration for my tattoo! I love that it represents confronting fears, finding inner strength and doing what is right in the face of adversity. It is about where I have come from and where I am  going as a person. The Harry Potter series helped me lose myself in when I was being bullied in junior high and high school. I want to meet J.K. Rowling and tell her thank you. 

I love clothing that is simple but has an extra little flare. The shirt I am wearing in the picture above is probably my favorite shirt I received this Christmas. It is just a simple gray but the lace added just that little extra to make it a great fashionable top I can mix and match with.  This was a great Christmas. I am so ready for my 19th birthday on New Year's Eve and the New Year to start! I will be posting again soon! Happy Holidays!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you got lots of great goodies. Merry Christmas!
