Friday, December 23, 2011

a homemade christmas!


This year I decided to take my addiction to Pinterest and turn it into productivity. All the Christmas presents I made this year were ideas from Pinterest or ideas of my own. I have made 10 homemade presents. Above are pictures of two of the gifts I made. The mixed crayons are for my younger cousins, Autumn and Aryel, they will also get glitter play dough as well as soon as I finish it. How to make mixed crayons:
* 1 package of 24 crayons
* 1 cupcake pan
* Take the paper off the crayons of your choice and break each crayon into thirds. Then put the crayons into desired cupcake slot of the pan, you can mix or match the crayons. Melt them in a cupcake pan at 275 degrees in your oven until crayon wax is mixed to your desire. Let the wax cool then you are ready to use your mixed crayons!

 Also I made bird seed hangers for my Grandpa. He loves birds so I thought he would love these! The bird seed hangers were super easy to make.
* 1/4 cup water
* 1 packet of Knox gelatin
* 3/4 cup of bird seed
*Bring water and gelatin to a boil. When all of the gelatin is dissolved you remove it from the heat for a few minutes then add the bird seed. You then press the bird seed/ gelatin mixture into cookie cutters of your choice. Fill the cookie cutter half way and press a loop of string into the bird seed and then fill the rest of the cookie cutter with bird seed. For the best results leave the bird seed in the cookie cutters over night. Pop them out and they are ready to hang!

My mom was also inspired by Pinterest this year and covered our hanging light in the living room in very festive greens, pine cones, ribbons, and branch lights! Our whole house is very festive this year! It is so great to come home from college and help decorate for Christmas. It was a great way to relieve the stress of finals! I will add more pictures and how to's for the other gifts I did this year! Happy Holidays!

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