Thursday, December 22, 2011

new to town

The Adoring Obsession: my life, fashion, latest obsessions, books & being yourself .
I am a small town girl with big city dreams!  
Dreams: Travel the world with my love, Ryan, and work with the people of Asia because their culture fascinates me and become a major icon and role model. 
 Why: I am in love with the atmosphere, energy, and life of the big city,
 I love to write and travel.
Inspiration: The TV series Sex and the City  and movie The Devil Wears Prada inspired me to live in the big city and to become a writer!  
College: Northwest Missouri State University. 
Major: Interactive Digital Media: New Media with a minor is International Studies
:) stay classy and fabulous!

1 comment:

  1. looks like you had a nice christmas. all the best on your new blog, and hope to visit again. :) i love that quote--stay classy and fabulous, by coco chanel. :) happy new year!
