Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Adding My Own Flare!

I recently became bored of my very plain blue backpack and decided it was time that I gave it a little extra something to make worthy of being my book bag. So I set out of an endeavor that took a little longer than I expected. But I think that the final product, is beautiful and really screams who it belongs too.  My roommate and I joked that I could make a business out of making custom "sharpie" backpacks. The first photo is of the work as a whole. In the next photo, you can see the left side it says "Keep Calm and Dream On," one of my favorite little sayings. The third photo shows a bit of my obsession with Harry Potter. The quote around the classes says, "Always. Until the very end." If you are not a huge HP fan like me then I will tell you that the Harry's mother and father say that to him right before he "dies." The final photo showcases one of my favorite parts of this collage, a memorial to my Nana. The words are a bit hard to read but they say " I Shall Pass This Way But Once."  This is the title of a poem my Nana had in her house and it was used at her funeral. The feathers are to represents birds, and the migration they make. I think this migration parallels that of a soul moving on and coming back to visit their loved ones. I plan on getting a tattoo that will use the whole poem but until then I will carry this reminder with my everyday. 

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