Monday, January 2, 2012

South Africans, Beards, and a Drummer!

Happy New Year! It is finally 2012, the year the world ends, if you believe in that kind of stuff. I prefer to think that when the world is coming to an end we won't know and 2012 is more like a warning to the world to get our lives together and fix the mistakes we have made.  Now onto a more light hearted subject. New Year's Eve! My bestie Lindsey and I went to The Bourbon which is like night club in Lincoln, Nebraska. We danced the night away with some guys from South Africa, kissed a guy with a beard on the cheek at midnight, and we now have a crush on the drummer from a band called Carrot Carrot Collective Brain Collaboration. They were a great band! Their music is heavy drums and beats that make you want to jump up and down and  whip your hair around. After and long and fun filled night, Lindsey and I turned in for the night knowing we needed to get a jump start our New Year's Resolutions. 
My resolutions for this year: 
1. Get my body in good shape and be healthy.
    - I think it is important to clarify that I do not want to be stick thin I just want to be happy with my body.
2. Read all the books that I own that I have yet to read.
3. Have a better relationship with my family, especially my little brother.
4. Get better grades! Work Harder for that A!
and on a more personal note...
5. Finally, fall in love.
    - I know it is going to be hard, love is never easy. Is what I am asking for completely hopeless? Or is everything  going to fall into place over time? Only time will tell! I would love to hear your New Year's Resolutions and how you rang in the New Year!!! Stay classy and fabulous...and hopeful. 

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