Tuesday, December 25, 2012

a year of years.

I have been away for awhile because we FINALLY got all moved into our new apartment, but the down side is no internet so I have been unable to post anything which is sad. My Christmas was really good, my parents bought Ryan and I a lot of things for our apartment, which was incredibly wonderful of them. Also as my title so clearly says this was "a year of years," Ryan and I will be celebrating our one year anniversary soon, and I have had this blog for a little over a year. As I said in my earlier post I am Gfree and for Christmas I made a delicious dark chocolate and black bean cake, I will put the recipe in my next post. Also for Christmas my parents bought me a Hamsa bracelet. Being home with my family has kind of led me to be a slacker when it comes to meditation. Well there you have it that has been what is up with me and where I have been. Happy Holidays!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Big Life Changes!

Hello all!

Recently I have been going through some major life changes, to sum it all up:
1. Moving off campus in less than 2 weeks.
2. Becoming a Buddhist.
3. And I possibly have a Gluten allergy.
So there it is, my life is changing very quickly. The hardest of all these is becoming gluten-free because I love bread, pasta, cake, and I am a poor college student. Gluten-free food is not cheap by any means. For example, I went to Hy-vee and bought a $6.00 loaf of bread! $6.00!!!!!!!!!! Can you believe that? So on my blog I will be putting college budget friendly gluten-free options. My first recipe will be for super yummy Hawaiin Salsa. 
3 Roma tomatoes (seeded and chopped)
1 cup seeded, chopped cucumber (optional) 
1 cup fresh pineapple (chopped)
1/3 cup chopped onion
1 or 2 fresh jalapeno peppers (seeded and chopped)
2 tablespoons snipped fresh cilantro
1 tablespoon packed sugar
Combine all ingredients. Cover and refrigerate for up to 2 hours. Eat with Tostinos, which are gluten-free. 
Stay classy and eat some yummy G-free noms. 

Monday, November 19, 2012

Potter Nerd!

I love Harry Potter and I live in a Residence Hall (aka. a dorm) so I made my residence hall the Great Hall...well kind of. I made house banners for each of my roommates, which worked out beautifully since there are four of us and four houses. Then I decided to make some awesome and well known books from the series. I was going to make our door into a 2D version of the Great Hall but a kink was thrown into this plan because I will be moving out of this Residence Hall and into an apartment with my boyfriend and one of his friends. I didn't do all the work because I won't get to enjoy it so here are all the pictures, enjoy. Stay classy and Potter on.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

ombre fail

I love to DIY and most of the time the projects turn out wonderfully, but other times I just fail, I fail miserably. Anyone who keeps up with the latest fashion trends knows that ombre is HUGE! So here is what I did step by step and there will be pictures but I am going to tell you up front that I was less than impressed with the final product. 
- white sweatshirt/shirt/whatever you want to dye
- pink dye/ whatever color you want. 
- a bucket 
- plastic trash bag
- lots of paper towels 

1. I washed and dried my white sweatshirt.
2. Mixed the dye according to the instructions on the bottle. I used Rit dye. 
3. I personally wanted the entire sweatshirt to be shades of pink and not have a weird white looking ring around my neck so I QUICKLY dunked the entire sweatshirt in the dye. 
4. Left roughly 3/4 of the sweatshirt in the dye for 20 minutes.
5. Left the last 1/2 to 1/4 of the sweatshirt in the dye overnight. 

AND STOP! Here is where I ran into a problem the dye at the bottom of the sweatshirt did not look as dark and concentrated as I would have liked to I followed the dye directions and washed the sweatshirt and went and bought another bottle of dye but a shade darker than the first and dipped the bottom 1/4 of the sweatshirt in the dye for roughly 30 minutes. Now before I washed it looked great but then I washed it and BAM! the look was gone. So if you have any ideas that could help me fix the problem please let me know.  

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Body of work.

I love tattoos, the look, the meanings, the inspiration for each and every one of them is unique and interesting.  I have two tattoos of my own a Harry Potter tattoo on my wrist and an Alice in Wonderland tattoo across the front of my ribs. They both have very special meanings and really describe me as a person. If you can't tell by the origins of both of my tattoos I am a complete nerd. A lot of people think my Harry Potter tattoo is really cool or they think I was really dumb for getting it and I will regret it later. But I am going to tell you why I got this tattoo. Not only is Harry Potter a brilliant series but J.K. Rowling and the characters of Harry Potter have taught me so much and here is a list of what they taught me:
1. Real love does exist and it can be painful, beautiful, fleeting, or long lasting. But when you truly love someone you will love them till the end of time.
2. True friendships overcome social status, differences in opinions, time, and the toughest of hardships.  You are better with them than without them and they will always have your back.
3. Confronting fears no matter how silly or how dark, we are all afraid of something and we can defeat those fears if we only remember to turn on the light.
4. Finding inner strength even when you are at your weakest. Because everyone has something to fight for even if it is just for themselves and no one else.
5. Doing what is right in the face of adversity. Even if everyone else is doing it, you should always do the right thing even if that means you are the underdog. Good people do exist among the darkness and pain.
6.There is nothing stronger than a mother's love.
7. Books can change the course of history.
8. Life is unexpected and complicated but creates the best and deepest relationships.
9. To see the world with an open mind. Judge people for who they are not what they are.
10. Magic exists everywhere, even if its only in your head. But why shouldn't that mean its not real.

Well there you go not only did Harry Potter teach me life lessons but it was my escape during Jr. High and High School when I was being bullied. My mom read me the books when I was younger and as I grew up I was able to run away to the magical world of Hogwarts.

My second tattoo says " Never Lose Your Muchness" which is from the Tim Burton Alice in Wonderland. The Mad Hatter (Johnny Depp) says " You used to be much more muchier" and it just stood out to me and really spoke to me. So I chose the line Never Lose Your Muchness, which to me means never lose what makes you who you are, and never lose that spark you have inside you. Those are my first tattoos and I plan on adding more to the canvas of who I am. I am going to upload another tattoo I am thinking about getting that I just designed. Not sure when I will be getting it because I want to move off campus with Ryan and get a puppy! I WUV PUPPIES! But any way it is the Moon goddess dream catcher and my name means moon goddess so it is kind of perfect. Well have a great rest of the weekend. Stay classy and stay inked.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Staying chill

Well here we are again ladies and gentleman...
HAPPY BELATED HALLOWEEN!!! I hope you had a great night whether you were just handing out candy or dressed up and partied.  Halloween is my favorite holiday and even though I did not dress up I did have a lot of fun hanging out with my friends in English Corner. We decorated pumpkins and played games. The funniest moment was when we were playing Apples to Apples and the adjective/green card was "sexy" and one of the Japanese girls laid down the noun/red card "Girl Scouts". All the American students could not stop laughing and we had to explain to them that Girl Scouts are little girls who sell cookies. Needless to say they did not see the humor in it that we did but it was definitely a learning experience in the differences in humor across cultures. Then I went to the Steve-O performance and it was hilarious! I mean to die for funny!  Steve-O obviously has one of the funniest and most disgusting job ever. And on the note of jobs...

Have you ever had a job that your absolutely dread going to and it just seems to drag by no matter how busy you are? Well that is how I feel when I am at Sonic, even though I get home kind of early every shift it still seems like I have been there the hole day. And I think that is because I am so used to everything going so fast. For example; it takes seconds to have a conversation with some one on Facebook, Twitter, or text message, we go to fast food places and get our food in minutes, and pretty much everything is live and at our finger tips. Maybe I just need to SLOW WAY DOWN and just let my life come to a chill speed. Get up in the morning, make a cup of coffee sit down and watch the news and actually start to take in what is going on in the world. Speaking of coffee, it may just be me, but I love the way milk or creamer splashes into coffee it just looks so soft and airy. Anyway I think I need to start my days off a little earlier and just let my self slow down and not be in a super hurry. I think we should all slow down and just take time to enjoy each moment because I know that sometimes I get to going so fast I forget when I did something and the days blur together.

On another note, not many people read this blog or even know it exists but apparently my boyfriend didn't even know I blogged. I find this kind of funny cause we tell each other everything and I am actually texting him about it right now cause he went home this weekend. I love him so much and I keep telling myself that I have to work at Sonic for us, so we can live together in a few months and start a life together. I have to keep the goal in mind to get through the work days. Tomorrow will be really hard because I work a 1 to 7 p.m. shift. But like I said I have to think about where I am trying to get. At least I have Saturday off and I can do homework and just chill.

Well it is time for this blogger to get some shut eye. Stay classy and stay chill.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

An Idea!

So I am a huge fan of Pinterest and I came across an idea for bloggers to incorporate into their blogs daily or weekly, or monthly, or decadely. You make a list of what you are enjoying, listening to, eating, and etc to kind of give your followers ( which I have 1, super sad face) an idea of how you live your everyday life and get me into the habit of writing more often and such. so here we go.

1. Listening: to Erin and I type on our laptops to each other on Facebook. Yes we are those people who prefer to talk back and forth on Facebook as not to offend someone who may walk by or in this case we are talking about the "other" roommate.
2. Eating: I ate a bacon flat bread sandwich and potato soup and it was delicious, thanks for asking.
3. Drinking: Right now I am obsessed with mango smoothies. The just make me feel tropical.
4. Wearing: Uhm this is an odd question... I am wearing black leggings, a white t-shirt, a blue sweater and knock of black glittery Sperrys, which I love greatly.
5. Feeling:  a little anxious and nervous about my first shift at Sonic tonight and a little annoyed with the entire day but things are looking up cause I get to go back to the imaginary state of Nebraska to see la familia.
6. Weather: Mother nature is bi polar or PMSing or something cause yesterday was like 80 degrees then today it just dropped off to like 40 degrees. I just want it to stay at this lovely fall weather so I can wear boots, sweaters, and jeans.
7. Wanting: all this Presidential campaign bullshit to be over with. Personally I am an Obama fan but that is just me and if you want to be a Romney fan that is cool too. We are individuals with our own ideas and wants and goals. But I am ready for it to be over so I can watch Glee on cable again. Also its clogging up my email.
8. Needing: I am needing a giant cup of hot coco/ french vanilla cappuccino, a blanket, and a good movie like Pride and Prejudice starring Keira Knightly
9. Thinking: about fun goody bag ideas to get the English Corner kids for Halloween.
10. Enjoying: the fact that I am laying across this chair and not sitting in it because I am about a million times more comfortable this way.

So there it is. I guess I will try to do this weekly just to keep myself and you all up to date on all the important things in life. Stay classy and enjoy the mixed hot chocolate drink.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Well hello...I'm back

well hello...

I have been away for far too long and i apologize. Between working all summer and trying to make a long distance relationship with my boyfriend, Ryan, who lives in the Kansas City metro, function correctly I have not really had time to do my blog. AND I can honestly say I missed it A LOT! Well what is new in my life you may ask, here is a list.

1. Ryan and I made it through the summer wonderfully. It was really rough but here we are back in college for our second year and have an even stronger bond than before.

2. I added International Studies as my minor and have decided that I want to travel the world and work at National Geographic.

3. I joined a group on campus called "English Corner". It is a group of English speaking college students that team up with English as a Second Language (ESL) students to help them learn English. It has been extremely beneficial to me and culturally and personally enriching. I love those kids so much and they have taught me so much.

4. I have FINALLY learned how to use Twitter and have continued to use it correctly # , @, and all. So you can follow me @cyncreek.

5. The getting healthy thing kind of hit a dead end and I need to start it up again cause well I am just not happy with my body and I know that every one is beautiful and beauty is only skin deep. But my thought process is that if I feel good and look good inside and out then I will feel beautiful. I think that makes sense and well to me it does.

6. I pierced my belly button and I am thinking about doing my nose next. But Ryan likes the little studs and I like the look of the rings. So we will see how that goes.

7. I got a job at Sonic! WOOT WOOT! I start tomorra, I will have to let you all know how that goes. :)

8. I have been reading A LOT! And when I say a lot I mean I have been flying through books and just cannot seem to get enough of them. The only down side to this is that my Kindle broke and the select key will not select, so my electronic library is void to me at the moment. But currently I am reading "Seriously... I'm Kidding" by Ellen DeGeneres. I highly recommend it, not only for a good laugh, cause she is hiiilllarrrious!, but because she has a lot of good advice.

9. I live with three other girls this year and I love two of them and not so much the third. My roommate, Shelby is hilariously honest and kind of the funniest-bitch-you-will-ever-meet kind of girl and she and I are barely in our dorm cause we both have boyfriends. Which gives us something to bond over.  Erin is very, how do I put this, Erin is freggen comical and kind of more reserved than Shelby or I, but once she gets going she is a real comedian and super down to earth and easy to talk with.  And finally the one who does not sit quite right with me. Emily, she is over the top religious about certain things and she is two faced and plays the whole "oh! I am so sweet and innocent and the perfect Christian blah blah blah" and I just do not buy it!  I, for example, am not all the religious of a person and I do believe in aliens and maybe for all we know God, Buddha, Zeus, and the Hindu gods are just having a tea party up there. I don't know and I am perfectly fine with saying that I am not sure what I believe. Also I do not care what religion you are or if you believe that one day we will all turn to mermaids and worship a giant dolphin, I don't care, just treat me and my ideas with respect and I will treat you the same. But she told me NOT to say any of my anti Jesus, atheist stuff, which for the record I made one comment about how the dinosaurs died but she expects me to put up with all her out loud praying and other religious things she does after she pretty much told me I did not have a freedom of religion because I do not believe in God.... BAAAHHHHH!  Any way back to my examples, for example tonight she made a joke about Asgard and Loki and Thor needing to guard their backsides ( you can draw the joke from that I think) also she tries to be all offended by violent things on T.V but comes into the room tonight after playing this game called Humans versus Zombies and says and I quote " I like violence" as she is covered in fake blood. Sorry for the rant, moving on......

10. I should be studying for my Government and Politics class but I am writing on here. It is amazing all the things you can come up with to do instead of studying. Like cleaning, dying your hair, writing a blog entry, watching your boyfriend play Skyrim, decorate for Halloween, eat Taco Doritos and bean dip, and etc etc. You get the point.

Well there you go, you are all caught up with my life. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns leave them in the box below.  Stay classy and try to stay young, growing up sucks. And I will leave you with this final quote.

"You're entirely bonkers, but I'll tell you a secret...all the best people are" - Alice in Wonderland

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Back for the summer!

Sorry for the long absence! I have been so incredibly busy between work, school, and packing up and heading home for the summer. Well here I am on summer break and frankly it sucks! I miss all of my friends from college and i miss my boyfriend, Ryan, like crazy! Well as I promised I am going to upload the pictures of the duct tape roses I made. OH! and one weekend I did these awesome Lady Gage/ Ke$a nails so I'll post a picture of that too! Also I am back to being a blonde and now am obsessed with pictures of clouds and sunsets and I am trying to get in better shape. Oh! and I got a new tattoo! It was really exciting and kind of painful. Next I want to pierce my belly button. As this summer begins I would like to share my "This Summer I Vow To:" list.
1. Feel comfortable in short shorts and bikinis.
2. Meet tons of new people.
3. Go skinny dipping. :)
4. Have less Facebook, and more outdoors.
5. Be happy no matter what.
6. Catch fireflies in jars.
7. Camp out.
8. Go on spontaneous adventures.
9. Work out at least three times a week.
10. Get a job.
11. Go to a summer concert.
12. Go to a water park.
13. Read at least ten books.
14. Try a new restaurant or cafe.
15. Go on a bike ride.
16. Go on a shopping spree.
17. See Ryan at least four times.
18. Go fishing.
19. Get really tan.
20. Go star gazing all night.
21. Have a picnic.
22. Have a bonfire.
23. Sneak out.
24. Go on a road trip.
25. Go to the zoo.
 Well I hope that any one that is reading this has a marvelous summer and I hope to keep you more up to date with the things I am doing, DIYing, and such! Stay classy & tan.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

going long sleeved.

Winter has finally hit Missouri. The last few mornings it has been zero or below instead of like 40 degrees. This threw a bit of a wrench into my wardrobe. I am a huge cardigan junkie and needed a new way to wear my cardigans instead of just with a tank top so I decided to layer long-sleeve shirts under them. Great idea! Adds an extra layer of warmth to your arms and if you push up the sleeves so you can still see long sleeve shirt it looks like your cardigan has cuffs. It was definitely a great idea. Stay classy, fabulous, and warm!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

its been a bit!

Hello all that follow this blog! And even if you just started here is the skinny on the low down. I have been working in University Relations like a mad woman! My boss definitely keeps me busy, I have been writing a TON of articles for the Northwest homepage. Check it out at: nwmissouri.edu. Do it now! Thanks! You as my faithful followers should check out some of the things I have been writing and give me any critiques you think apply. I will post some links below! As you are all aware Valentine's Day is about to swoop in and spread some love on our lives. I will be spending the loving holiday, alone, but that is alright! Ice cream, pizza, romantic movies, and duct tape roses will be on my agenda! Duct tape roses you ask? Well I am on a homemade gift kick and this is just another great idea I had! Why are they so great? They never die, no prickly thorns, no sticky water, and etc! I plan on making all of the women in my life b-e-a-utiful hand-made roses! So check back in about a week and I will post pictures of the duct tape roses! Stay fabulous and classy, I know i am!

Show Choirs: http://www.nwmissouri.edu/media/news/2012/01/26showchoirfestival.htm

Brass Quintet: http://www.nwmissouri.edu/media/news/2012/01/18brassquintet.htm

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Custom Shoes!? say what!?

I am suffering from post-Potter syndrome. I know to many that sounds silly, but the Harry Potter series helped me through a time in my life that was quite dark.  Andrew Futral says it best, "Harry Potter is about confronting fears, finding inner strength and doing what is right in the face of adversity..." This quote was the basis for my tattoo. When ever I catch a glimpse of it on my wrist I hold my head a little higher and my smile gets a little brighter. So when I saw these awesome shoes on Etsy.com. I had to share!The art is beautiful and simply stunning. My friend and I joked that they are too pretty to wear so we would keep them in a box and only wear them on first dates as a conversation starter and to get it all out there that we are obsessed with HP!  
These shoes are simply a work of art and pure epicness!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Adding My Own Flare!

I recently became bored of my very plain blue backpack and decided it was time that I gave it a little extra something to make worthy of being my book bag. So I set out of an endeavor that took a little longer than I expected. But I think that the final product, is beautiful and really screams who it belongs too.  My roommate and I joked that I could make a business out of making custom "sharpie" backpacks. The first photo is of the work as a whole. In the next photo, you can see the left side it says "Keep Calm and Dream On," one of my favorite little sayings. The third photo shows a bit of my obsession with Harry Potter. The quote around the classes says, "Always. Until the very end." If you are not a huge HP fan like me then I will tell you that the Harry's mother and father say that to him right before he "dies." The final photo showcases one of my favorite parts of this collage, a memorial to my Nana. The words are a bit hard to read but they say " I Shall Pass This Way But Once."  This is the title of a poem my Nana had in her house and it was used at her funeral. The feathers are to represents birds, and the migration they make. I think this migration parallels that of a soul moving on and coming back to visit their loved ones. I plan on getting a tattoo that will use the whole poem but until then I will carry this reminder with my everyday. 

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I started my job as a Media Assistant with University Relations yesterday! WOW! This job is my first "big kid" job and will help me gain experience in the profession I have chosen to support my future. My first article is about Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Here at Northwest we are having a celebration week to honor MLK. I have attached a link to my first article below. This is very exciting because I had my first article released on my first day! I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!


Thursday, January 5, 2012

all i see is red :)

It is almost my second semester of college and I needed a little pick me up! I have been feeling a little out of touch with my self lately so I opted for a hair color that is eye catching and will keep me on my toes when I look in the mirror.  What I have learned from dying my hair so many times is to always have an open mind and to have a game plan before you go in. Also when dying your hair a completely different color than your natural color ask your hair stylist how the color will effect your natural color. For example if you are a blonde going to a deep brunette add a red tint to keep your hair from looking green. I'll be posting again soon. Have a couple of busy days ahead of me packing and moving back to Missouri! Second semester prepare to get owned!

Monday, January 2, 2012

South Africans, Beards, and a Drummer!

Happy New Year! It is finally 2012, the year the world ends, if you believe in that kind of stuff. I prefer to think that when the world is coming to an end we won't know and 2012 is more like a warning to the world to get our lives together and fix the mistakes we have made.  Now onto a more light hearted subject. New Year's Eve! My bestie Lindsey and I went to The Bourbon which is like night club in Lincoln, Nebraska. We danced the night away with some guys from South Africa, kissed a guy with a beard on the cheek at midnight, and we now have a crush on the drummer from a band called Carrot Carrot Collective Brain Collaboration. They were a great band! Their music is heavy drums and beats that make you want to jump up and down and  whip your hair around. After and long and fun filled night, Lindsey and I turned in for the night knowing we needed to get a jump start our New Year's Resolutions. 
My resolutions for this year: 
1. Get my body in good shape and be healthy.
    - I think it is important to clarify that I do not want to be stick thin I just want to be happy with my body.
2. Read all the books that I own that I have yet to read.
3. Have a better relationship with my family, especially my little brother.
4. Get better grades! Work Harder for that A!
and on a more personal note...
5. Finally, fall in love.
    - I know it is going to be hard, love is never easy. Is what I am asking for completely hopeless? Or is everything  going to fall into place over time? Only time will tell! I would love to hear your New Year's Resolutions and how you rang in the New Year!!! Stay classy and fabulous...and hopeful.